Agriapipe Ltd. was awarded the first "ENVIRONTEC Grand Prize" in the service category of the competition organised by HUNGEXPO Zrt. and the Association of Environmental Service Providers and Manufacturers on 1st October 2024.

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Heves County Decarbonisation Award
The "Green Economy Award" founded by the Heves County Chamber of Commerce and Industry was presented on 25 January 2023 to Agriapipe Kft.

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Environmental Protection Prize 2017 - Companies category
In the category of companies, the Environmental Protection Prize was awarded to Agriapipe Ltd. and the Metropolitan Public Domain Maintenance Nonprofit Plc, for their outstanding environmental developments.

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GREENNOVATION GRAND AWARD - Category: Construction
The award was given to Agriapipe in 2015 for the project named "Pozsonyi Street No-Dig pipe rehabilitation in the 13th District of Budapest" that was successfully completed in 2014. During the rehabilitation the SPRTM Spiral-Wound technology was applied.

EXHIBITION AWARD for the Development of ULTRAGUN Liner Shooter
ÖKO-AQUA Debrecen, June 14 2012

EXHIBITION GRAND AWARD - Pipe Rehabilitation with Spirally Wound Technologies
ÖKOINDUSTRIA Budapest, November 16 2011

'NÍVÓDÍJ' QUALITY AWARD for the Expanda Pipe Rehabilitation Technology

Articles, presentations
World-leading trenchless technology
Industry Europe 2018. january

Hungarian construction specialist Agriapipe Kft has experienced dynamic development in the past 10 years and achieved a stable market position in the domestic and foreign markets. The company offers a wide selection of No-Dig utility system refurbishing solutions for a broad range of sectors and has up-todate professional knowledge and expertise to implement such procedures. Edina Beale reports.
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Renovation of District Heating Pipelines with No Dig Technologies
Authors: Zoltán Varga and András Lőrincz
Innotéka Magazin - Vol. VI. - May 2016

Condition of public pipelines having been laid decades ago has significantly deteriorated by now. Their continuous and flawless operation provides the operator with a constantly growing duty. Unexpected failures may cause serious inconveniences in the environment. Rehabilitation as well as reconstruction of these public pipelines will be an important task in the future...
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Winding Through Hungary
Trenchless International, April 7 2015

Budapest has become a model city for spiral-wound pipe rehabilitation from years of consistent application of the technology over several kilometres since 2010. Here, we look at the technology’s latest large profile rehabilitation project in the north-east of Budapest.
Budapest Sewage Works operates 5,400 km of sewer system under the city. Underneath the city also runs a 730 m long cement pipe with a diameter of 1,400 x 2,100 mm that...
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An Ambitious Renovation Project in Hungary
IST Newsletter 07/2015
A DN 600 wastewater pipe needed to be renovated at the BorsodChem Zrt. chemical plant in Hungary, which produces plastic raw materials. First, a hose liner installed at an earlier point was removed, since it did not have an adequate thickness or chemical resistance for the plant’s current needs. The rehabilitation project was...
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Sewer Rehabilitation with SPRTM technology in Budapest
Videos, interviews
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Interview with András Lőrincz
the founder and former MD of Agriapipe
Vízmű Panoráma, Issue 4 2015
„Water knows only what is really horizontal.”
(Béla Hamvas – Hungarian writer, philosopher and social critic)
On the occasion of the World Water Day 2015 András Lőrincz, former MD of Agriapipe Kft, for his devoted and successful activity was awarded the Medal of Honour of the Water Utility Sector which he took over in Sopron (Hungary) at the Water Utility Conference. We took the opportunity to ask him about his successes and the morals of his eventful career.
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Sewer Rehabilitation Using Green Technology
The globally unique technology wins the Greenovation Grand Prize
Innotéka Magazin, Vol 5. Issue June 2015

„Our company is engaged in a special territory within the utilities sector: we are using trenchless rehabilitation technologies called no-dig repair in the rehabilitation terminology – said Zoltán Varga, General Manager of the Agriapipe Kft. – The main point is that we are able to rehabilitate public utilities (gas, water, sewage water) in a way that no or a very limited number of open trenches are needed.”
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Quality Proves Its Worth
Sewer rehabilitation with SPRTM technology in Budapest, Hungary
Newsliner, The Customer Magazine of Sekisui, April 2015
With the consistent application of Spiral-Wound technology for circular as well as custom-shaped profiles along several kilometers and for several years, Budapest has developed into a model city for Spiral-Wound pipe rehabilitation in Europe. The Spiral-Wound technology from SEKISUI SPR is already a familiar rehabilitation solution for the city of Budapest. Since 2010, approximately 18,861 m lengths of round as well as custom-shaped profiles have been rehabilitated in Hungary of which 5,869 m are beneath the Budapest city centre.
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Upcoming event:
Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit
Between November 29 and December 5, 2021
HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center
Our company will participate as an exhibitor in the exhibition related to the Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit to be held between November 29 and December 5, 2021.
The exhibition entitled „The Nature Friendly Development – Sustainability Expo” will take place in Pavilion “A” of the HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center.
At the exhibition, we present our environmentally friendly NO-DIG processes, which can also play a key role in the renovation of asbestos-cement pipes. We respectfully invite our partners to the exhibition, our specialists are waiting for our visitors at our exhibition stand.
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Past Events:
5th ÖKOINDUSTRIA International Exhibition
Hungarian Railway Museum, H-1142 Budapest, Tatai u. 95. Hungary
8-10 November 2017
This year we are taking part again on the Ökoindustria International Environmental Industry, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Exhibition with some of our suppliers to show our partners new developments and present some ineteresting case studies of the projects from this and the previous years in the field of no dig pipe rehabilitation. We are happy to invite you to visit us on this exhibition at the Hungarian Railway Museum from 8th to 10th November 2017.
For more information on Ökoindustria, the venue and the program, please, visit the Ökoindustria page. You can register here.
Looking forward to see you there!
Innovation Day
January 24th 2017
This year we celebrated the 10th anniversary of our Innovation Day held together with Szabadics Zrt. and Robotechnik Kft.
This year's presentations were all about "special solutions" for sewer pipes. The 71 engineers who came to the Innovation Day took part on lectures about how to put optical cables in sewage pipes, how to extract the temperature from the water flowing in the sewage pipes, and about the newest special pipe lining materials.
The presentations of the Innovation Day can be downloaded from here.